Late Roman silver hoard from Vinkovci, Croatia – a preliminary technological overview
The paper outlines the results of some of the preliminary investigations carried out on a late Roman hoard of luxurious silverware. They have yielded valuable data on the manufacturing technology and the state of the objects. This work is part of a complex and long-term programme of conservation and restoration of the hoard which will also include a detailed technological examination of each individual object.
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Bennett A 1994, ‘Chapter 2. Technical examination and conservation’, in M M Mango and A Bennett, The Seuso Treasure, Part I (Ann Arbor, MI), 21-35.
Cowell M 1977, ‘Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis of ancient gold coins’, in T Hackens and H McKerrell (eds), X-ray microfluorescence analysis applied to archaeology (Strasbourg: PACT vol 1),76-85.
Cowell M R and Hook D R 2010, ‘The analysis of the metal artefacts’, in C Johns, The Hoxne Late Roman treasure (London), 175-184.
Cowell M, La Niece S and Meeks N 1983, ‘Scientific examination of the Thetford treasure, Part one: analysis of materials’, in C M Johns and T W Potter, The Thetford Treasure. Roman jewellery and silver (London), 56-61.
Cronyn J M 1990, The elements of archaeological conservation (New York).
Hook D and Callewaert M 2013, ‘The scientific examination and analysis of some of the Roman silver artefacts from the Coleraine treasure’, in F Hunter and K Painter (eds), Late Roman silver: The Traprain treasure in context (Edinburgh), 184-191.
Hook D and Needham S 1990, ‘A comparison of recent analyses of British Late Bronze Age goldwork with Irish parallels’, Jewellery Studies 3, 1990, 15-24.
Hughes M, Lang J, La Niece S and Oddy A 1989, ‘Technologie de l’argenterie romaine’, in F Baratte (ed), Tresors d’orfevrerie gallo-romains (Paris), 21-28.
Lang J 2002, ‘The Carthage silver in the collections of the British Museum’, in F Baratte, J Lang, S La Niece and C Metzger, Le trésor de Carthage: contribution à l’étude de l’orfèvrerie de l’antiquité tardive (Paris), 97-98.
Lang J 2016, ‘Technical aspects of the production of the large flanged bowls’, in R Hobbs, The Mildenhall Treasure. Late Roman silver
plate from East Anglia (London: British Museum Research Publication 200), pl 246-7, 249.
Lang J and Holmes R 1983, ‘Studies in the technology of beaded rims on late Roman silver vessels’, Britannia 14, 197-205.
Lang J and Hughes M 1984, ‘Soldering Roman silver plate’, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 3, 77-107.
Lang J and Hughes M 2016, ‘Chapter 13. The Mildenhall Treasure: technical aspects of construction and decoration’, in R Hobbs, The Mildenhall Treasure. Late Roman silver plate from East Anglia (London: British Museum Research Publication 200), 240-49.
Lang J R S, Hughes M J and Oddy W A 1984, ‘Report on the scientific examination of the Sea City Dish 62, The Achilles Dish 63 and some other items,’ in H Cahn, H and A Kaufmann-Heinimann, Der spätrömische Silberschatz von Kaiseraugst (Derendingen), 375-81.
Lang J R S, Meeks N D, Wheatley C J and Cowell M R 1977, ‘Examination of the great dish in the Mildenhall Treasure’, in K S Painter, The Mildenhall Treasure (London), 40.
La Niece S 1983, ‘Niello: an historical and technical survey’, Antiquaries Journal 63(2), 279 -297.
La Niece S 2010, ‘Roman gold and silversmithing and the Hoxne treasure’, in C Johns, The Hoxne Late Roman treasure (London), 185-188.
L’Héritier M, Baron S, Cassayre L and Téreygeol F 2015, ‘Bismuth behaviour during ancient processes of lead-silver production’, Journal of Archaeological Science 57, 56-68
Painter K S 1980, ‘Gold and silver in the Roman world’, in W A Oddy (ed), Aspects of early metallurgy (London: British Museum Occasional Paper 17), 135-158.
Pliny Natural History
Tate J and Troalen L G 2009, Investigating the Traprain Roman treasure: experimental report, EU-ARTECH’, National Museum of Scotland internal report.
Vrkić Š 2013, ‘Vinkovci-Duga ulica 26’, Hrvatski arheološki godišnjak 9/2012, 63-68.
Vulić H 2012, Srebro antičkih Vinkovaca – arheološki nalaz ostave blaga (Zagreb: Museum for Arts and Crafts brochure)
Youngs S M 1983, ‘The manufacture of the Sutton Hoo silver’, in R Bruce-Mitford, The Sutton Hoo ship burial. Vol 3: Late Roman and Byzantine silver, hanging bowls, drinking vessels, cauldrons and other containers, textiles, the lyre, pottery bowl and other items (London), 166-170.
How to Cite
Late Roman silver hoard from Vinkovci, Croatia – a preliminary technological overview. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 49(2), 87-95.
How to Cite
Late Roman silver hoard from Vinkovci, Croatia – a preliminary technological overview. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 49(2), 87-95.