Dr Tom Greeves: 8th Century Tin Smelting on Dartmoor: Do we really have the evidence?
All letters reflect the opinions of the authors.
TA P Greeves, 1981, 'The Archaeological Potential of the Devon Tin Industry' in Medieval Industry, ed. D W Crossley, (CBA Research Report 40, 85-95).
B S Ottaway, 1987, 'Radiocarbon: where we are and where we need to be', Antiquity, 61, 135-7.
R F Tylecote, E Photos & B Earl, 1989, 'The composition of tin slags from the south-west of England', World Archaeology, 20, 3, 434-445.
B S Ottaway, 1987, 'Radiocarbon: where we are and where we need to be', Antiquity, 61, 135-7.
R F Tylecote, E Photos & B Earl, 1989, 'The composition of tin slags from the south-west of England', World Archaeology, 20, 3, 434-445.
How to Cite
Dr Tom Greeves: 8th Century Tin Smelting on Dartmoor: Do we really have the evidence?. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 24(1), 45-46. https://www.hmsjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/588
Letters to the Editors
How to Cite
Dr Tom Greeves: 8th Century Tin Smelting on Dartmoor: Do we really have the evidence?. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 24(1), 45-46. https://www.hmsjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/588