Discovery of copper tuyere imprints on the site of Castel-Minier, late-13th to mid-16th century (Ariège, France)
From the 13th to the 16th century, iron was produced at the site of Castel-Minier. The excavations since 2003 have found structures and materials that allow us to understand how past metallurgists improved a forge of rather classic design to a real iron production site, relying on a system of inter-valley exchange. This paper relates especially to the discovery of 28 slag pieces. They carry imprints of tuyeres that were embedded in ventilation holes into which bellow pipes were inserted. Traditional and 3-D plots were used to estimate their shapes and diameters.
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Schnabel R, Wahl R and Klein R 2007, ‘Efficient RANSAC for Point-Cloud Shape Detection’, Computer Graphics Forum 26(2), 214-226. Available at
Verna C 2001, Le temps des moulines, Fer, technique et société dans les Pyrénées centrales (XIIIe-XIVe siècles) (Paris).
Flament J, Mercier F, Dubois C, Téreygeol F 2019, ‘Mining archaeology and micro-Raman analysis associated to ESEM-EDX: toward chrono-spatial definition of ores consumption in a Pyrenean medieval workshop (14th-16th c.)’, Archaeometry 66(1), 99-116.
Flament J, Sarah G, Téreygeol F 2017, ‘Litharge cakes from Castel-Minier (Ariège, France): Understanding strategies of the cupellation in a multi metals workshop from the 14th century’, in I Montero-Ruiz and A Perea (eds), Archaeometallurgy in Europe IV (Madrid: Bibliotheca Praehistorica Hispana 33), 269-281.
Flament J, Téreygeol F 2019, ‘De la mine au creuset : l’essai de la chalcopyrite au flux noir’, in G Verly, F Rademakers and F Téreygeol (eds), Studies in experimental archaeometallurgy: methodological approaches from non-ferrous metallurgies (Montagnac: Monographies Instrumentum 60), 57- 66.
Florsch N, Llubes M and Téreygeol F 2012, ‘Induced polarization 3-D tomography of archaeological direct reduction slag heap’, Near Surface Geophysics 10(6), 567-574.
Florsch N, Llubes M, Téreygeol F and Roblet P 2011, ‘Quantification of slag heap volumes by using induced polarization. Application to Castel-Minier site’, Journal of Archaeological Science 38, 438-451.
Géraud M, Flament J, Hunt A, Sarah G, Foy E and Téreygeol F in press, ‘Les céramiques métallurgiques de Castel-Minier (Ariège, France) XIIIe-XVe s.’, ArchéoSciences 43.
Leroy S, Cohen S, Verna C, Bertrand L, Gratuze B, Téreygeol F, Fluzin P and Dillmann P 2012, ‘Depiction of the medieval iron market in Ariège (France). Multidisciplinary analytical approach and first development of multivariate analyse’, Journal of Archaeological Science 39, 1080-1093.
Tereygeol F, Arles A, Foy E, Florsch N and Llubes M 2010, ‘Dosages par pXRF d’ateliers médiévaux de production des métaux non-ferreux : les exemples de Castel-Minier et d’Agnesserre (Aulus-les-bains, 09)’, ArchéoSciences 34, 253-267.
Téreygeol F and Gauthier J 2013, ‘Le godet d’une pile du XIVe s. à Castel-Minier’, Bulletin Instrumentum 38, 44-46.
Téreygeol F and Heckes J 2012, ‘El vent de les manxes i el poder del mall : les eines hidrauliques de la «mouline» del jaciment arqueologic Castel-Minier (XVIe s., França)’, in Boscos de Ferro, Actes de 1es primeres jornades de recerca i desenvolupament de la vall ferrera (Alins), 51-63.
How to Cite
Discovery of copper tuyere imprints on the site of Castel-Minier, late-13th to mid-16th century (Ariège, France). (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 52(1), 33-37.
How to Cite
Discovery of copper tuyere imprints on the site of Castel-Minier, late-13th to mid-16th century (Ariège, France). (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 52(1), 33-37.