The marks of Sheffield cutlers, 1614-1878
This paper describes the marks registered by metalworkers with the Cutlers’ Company in Hallamshire, in terms of their value as an aid to dating artefacts. Given such source material as the mark books, it has been possible to devise a descriptive system for the marks which allows them to be entered in a simple database. The craftsmen whose marks are described here were the cutlers, scissorsmiths, shearsmiths, sicklesmiths, scythesmiths, awlbladesmiths and filesmiths for the period 1614-1878. The word ‘cutler’ is used as a generic term, unless specified.
Leader R E 1906, The History of the Company of Cutlers in Hallamshire, Vol II (Sheffield).
Brown W (ed) 1894, Yorkshire Lay Subsidy 25 Edwardi I (place pub: Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series 16).
Preval M nd, Couteaux at Couteliers a Thiers et dans sa Region (place pub).
Schlesinger E 1978, Solinger Handwerkseichen (Duisburg).
Brown W (ed) 1894, Yorkshire Lay Subsidy 25 Edwardi I (place pub: Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series 16).
Preval M nd, Couteaux at Couteliers a Thiers et dans sa Region (place pub).
Schlesinger E 1978, Solinger Handwerkseichen (Duisburg).
How to Cite
The marks of Sheffield cutlers, 1614-1878. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 33(2), 93-103.
How to Cite
The marks of Sheffield cutlers, 1614-1878. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 33(2), 93-103.