Romano-British iron production in the Sussex and Kent Weald: a review of current data
A succession of studies over the past sixty years has shown that iron making was well-developed in the Weald in the Romano-British period. Distribution maps showing the extent of the industry in the region have not, hitherto, attempted to indicate a measure of output for individual sites. This revision of data provides such an opportunity.
Cattell C S 1970, ‘Preliminary research findings relating to the bloomery period of the iron industry in the upper basin of the eastern Rother (East Sussex)’, Bulletin of the Historical Metallurgy Group, 2(2), 18-20.
Cleere H 1974, ‘The Roman Iron Industry of the Weald and its Connexions with the Classis Britannica’, Archaeological Journal, 131, 171-99.
Cleere H 1976, ‘Some operating parameters for Roman ironworks’, Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, 13, 234-7.
Cleere H F and Crossley D W 1995, The Iron Industry of the Weald (2nd ed. Cardiff).
Margary I D 1965, Roman Ways in the Weald (rev. ed. London).
Money J H 1974, ‘Iron age and Romano-British iron-working site in Minepit Wood, Rotherfield, Sussex’, Historical Metallurgy, 8(1), 1-20.
Philp B 1994, The Iron Age and Romano-British Site at Lenham, Kent, Kent Special Subject Series No. 7 (West Wickham)
Straker E 1931, Wealden Iron (London).
Tebbutt C F 1981, ‘Wealden bloomery iron smelting furnaces’, Sussex Archaeological Collections, 119, 57-64.
Cleere H 1974, ‘The Roman Iron Industry of the Weald and its Connexions with the Classis Britannica’, Archaeological Journal, 131, 171-99.
Cleere H 1976, ‘Some operating parameters for Roman ironworks’, Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, 13, 234-7.
Cleere H F and Crossley D W 1995, The Iron Industry of the Weald (2nd ed. Cardiff).
Margary I D 1965, Roman Ways in the Weald (rev. ed. London).
Money J H 1974, ‘Iron age and Romano-British iron-working site in Minepit Wood, Rotherfield, Sussex’, Historical Metallurgy, 8(1), 1-20.
Philp B 1994, The Iron Age and Romano-British Site at Lenham, Kent, Kent Special Subject Series No. 7 (West Wickham)
Straker E 1931, Wealden Iron (London).
Tebbutt C F 1981, ‘Wealden bloomery iron smelting furnaces’, Sussex Archaeological Collections, 119, 57-64.
How to Cite
Romano-British iron production in the Sussex and Kent Weald: a review of current data. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 33(2), 68-72.
How to Cite
Romano-British iron production in the Sussex and Kent Weald: a review of current data. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 33(2), 68-72.