The characterization and provenancing of ore, slag and iron from the Iron Age settlement at Snorup
A large iron production site from the Iron Age has been identified at Snorup, Jutland, Denmark. Typical slag-pit furnaces have been excavated which are related to similar iron furnaces in middle Europe. The Danish bog iron ore is rich in phosphorus, and so is the extracted bloomery iron, up to 0.6% phosphorus having been recorded in solid solution in the iron. On the site a hoard with bars of two different types were found. From metallographic analysis and comparison of slag analyses it is argued that the hoard represents iron of two different origins. Six massive wrought iron bars are rich in phosphorus and are of local production, while about 200 slender bars appear to be of ferritic-pearlitic steel, imported from southern Norway. These Norwegian bars are small (20-160g) and have a characteristic spoon shape, which for the ancient craftsman would mark them as useful for steeling tools and weapons.
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