Andrej Paulin


Modern Slovenia, and the adjoining parts of some neighbouring countries inhabited by Slovenian people, has a rich history of mining and smelting of non-ferrous metals. Lead was produced from the 13th century in Southern Carinthia and flourished during the 17th century. The Bleiberg smelter at Villach was for a long time the most important in the area; the Carniolan process described by Agricola was used there in the 16th century. Another important centre was in the Mežica valley, and there was small scale mining and smelting also in Carniola near Ljubljana. Zinc smelting started in Carinthia in 1799 and in Zagorje in Carniola in 1843, but the main centre was at Celje in Carniola which produced zinc from 1875 to 1970 using horizontal retorts. Mercury was extracted at Idriga in Carnolia from 1490 and the place became renowned for the excellence of its mining and smelting technologies. It flourished for over 500 years, producing in total about 13% of the world's mercury output. Aluminium production is a recent industry which continues today. Minor copper and antimony production is also recorded.


Agricola G 1556, De Re Metallica (Basel).
Anon 1965, 300 let Mežiški rudniki [300 Years of Metal Mining] (Mežica) (in Slovenian).
Brown F 1669, ‘Relation Concerning the Quick-silver Mines in Friuli’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (London).
Čar J 1996, ‘Rudnik živega srebra Idrija’ [Mercury Mine in Idrija], Enciklopedija Slovenije ve 10 [Encyclopaedia of Slovenia, Vol 10] (Ljubljana) (in Slovenian).
Ferber J J 1774, Beschreibung des Quecksilber-Bergwerks zu Idria in Mittel-Krain (Berlin).
Quiring H 1945, Die Metallischen Rohstoffe, Heft 7, Antimon (Stuttgart).
Šorn J 1970, ‘Cinkarne v Zagorju, Šentjanžu in Celju’ [Zinc smelters in Zagorje, Šentjanž and Celje], Kronika [Chronicle] 18 (3), 129-34 (in Slovenian).
Šorn J 1972, ‘Proizvodnja svinca v osrednji Sloveniji med leti 1840 in 1918’ [Production of lead in Central Slovenia between 1840 and 1918], Zgodovinski časopis [Magazine of History] 26, 349-66 (in Slovenian).
Wiessner H 1951, Geschichte des Kärntner Bergbaues, 11. Teil, (Klagenfurt).
How to Cite
The history of non-ferrous metallurgy in Slovenia. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 34(1), 25-30.

How to Cite

The history of non-ferrous metallurgy in Slovenia. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 34(1), 25-30.