Liliane Pérez


Benjamin Huntsman is generally associated with the development of crucible steel. However, French archives show him in the role of merchant, exporting not only steel, both blister and crucible, but a wide range of tools and ‘toywares’ to the Blakeys, merchants and forge-masters of Paris. Tools were sourced not only in Sheffield but in Birmingham and in the south-west Lancashire clockmaking district. Toywares comprised a wide range of high-quality decorative and utilitarian objects, many incorporating new high standards of decoration. The Blakey papers show contacts with other English sources, notably orders placed with the Oppenheims of Birmingham. Mrs Blakey, of French descent, and her English husband, William, show, in their surviving orders and correspondence with Benjamin Huntsman and others, a recognition of the trends in fashion of the 18th-century Enlightenment, which crucible steel in particular could serve.


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How to Cite
Steel and toy trade between England and France: the Huntsmans’ correspondence with the Blakeys (Sheffield-Paris, 1765–1769). (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 42(2), 127-147.

How to Cite

Steel and toy trade between England and France: the Huntsmans’ correspondence with the Blakeys (Sheffield-Paris, 1765–1769). (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 42(2), 127-147.