Merton C Flemings David V Ragone


Puddling was the process of choice for producing wrought iron and steel for most of the 19th century. The original dry puddling process was replaced beginning in 1830 by wet puddling, which was radically different in terms of the key chemical reactions involved, the thermal behaviour of the melt, the speed of the process and the quality and consistency of the resulting product. In this paper we examine wet puddling from a metallurgical perspective and express our respect for those master puddlers who could control such a complex process with little other than their senses to guide them. Concluding remarks relate to the final years of wrought iron production in Great Britain and the United States.


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How to Cite
Puddling: a metallurgical perspective. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 43(2), 103-108.

How to Cite

Puddling: a metallurgical perspective. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 43(2), 103-108.